A brand style-guide is the manual that accompanies a logo and brand design. It’s purpose is to give the brand users a step-by-step guide on how to use your brand effectively, without diluting your new brand image. I’ve talked about the importance of branding and logo design already, but why invest in a style-guide as well?

You’ve just spent the money on a new logo, and you’re ready to put that design on your website and business cards. It seems like an easy thing to do, so why spend extra on a style-guide?

The initial implementation of your logo is clear – it’s probably the reason you decided to have a logo designed in the first place. “I need a website, so therefor I need a logo to put on that website.” – is a phrase I often hear. But the reality is, you’re going to be placing that logo, and it’s accompanying colour scheme and typography, on much more than your website. Even if you don’t realize it right away!

And most likely, you’ll be hiring someone at some point to create something for you that has your logo on it. Think swag, brochures, letter head, social media etc. It could be a web designer, sign printer, or window-display person. Every time someone touches your logo, they need to use it properly, so that your brand image remains consistent across all platforms. They need to know what filetype to use, and what fonts to use. They need to know which background colour it’s ok to place your logo over top of.

And that’s where a branding style-guide comes in! Your multi-page guide is a roadmap to using your brand effectively.  Each guide is different and tailored to the brand. It can also include use of style of imagery, and in depth guidelines for the way your brand and brand imagery must be presented.